Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! Brent and I have so much to be thankful for this year, most importantly a healthy little boy! Brock had a wonderful first Thanksgiving - he ate everything that we did! (Although the food on the plate was short-lived as he was more interested in playing with the plate than the food; so we had to dump all the food back on the tray)
My mother (to Brock it will be "Grandma Debbie") was in from North Carolina, so it was even more special to have family here to spend the holiday with! Grandma Debbie brought all of the Christmas presents here to Seattle so we wouldn't have to cart them back with us next month when we visit NC..... so after Thanksgiving dinner, we had Christmas! :)
This is only a sampling of how Christmas will go for us this year and we couldn't be more excited. Yes, I think he is learning what to do with the little bits of paper from Oscar, but that's okay. ;) Below is a little video of Brock playing with the Christmas paper. :)
The following day, Brent and I decided to drive out to Leavenworth with Brock while my mother stayed home to watch the puppies. It is a 2 1/2 hour drive one way, so driving out there for one day is a bit much. Leavenworth is a cute little town set up like a Bavarian village.
It was cold there (like high of 32), so Brock was dressed appropriately in his new one-piece snowsuit! :) Unfortunately no snow today. The drive is really quite beautiful - here is one shot I snapped while Brent was driving home. We were in the shadow of some really large mountains, but you can see the mountains in the background lit up by the sun. And I love the little church just to the left of center in this picture - standing on its own little hill surrounded by family farms. Just amazing.