Tuesday, September 14, 2021

First Day of School 2021-22

We were all so excited to go to the IN-PERSON Meet the Teacher! Five days before school started, the boys received their teacher information and an invitation for us to enter the school and see their classrooms. 

First Grade and Third grade better watch out - here come the silly Eason boys! 

First day of school means pictures by our front door!

We picked out their outfits separately, but didn't realize how matchy matchy they would be! Oh well - they look cute together!

Of course we need our big puppy in the first day of school pictures!  

Kade 6 years, Moose 3 1/2 years, Brock 8 1/2 years

Bus comes early for a magnet school - off we all go to the bus stop!

Big step for Kade - first time riding the big yellow bus and first time in the person for school!

Wishing my boys a wonderful year in elementary school together. Please stay safe.