Brent, Brock and I traveled to Spokane for Mother's Day weekend to celebrate our cousin's graduation from Law School. Evan, we are super proud of you! :)
It was a really scenic drive there and back. It amazes me how different the middle and eastern parts of Washington State are compared to the Seattle area.... and how big the state is! It took us about 4 1/2 hours to drive from Seattle to Spokane.
Brock was amazed by the "big fans". It was really quite windy on the drive back.
Gonzaga's campus was really pretty. The graduation ceremony was held at the McCarthey Athletic Center - same place as the Gonzaga Bulldogs' basketball games - and the Law School building was right next door! Before the ceremony, Brock released some energy by climbing to the very top of the stands. He was pretty good throughout all the speakers, one of whom was Washington State Supreme Court Chief Justice Barbara Madsen, a Gonzaga Law Alumna herself. He made it until the "K's" so we could clap and holler for Evan, but sorry Kali - couldn't make it to the "M's". Brock finished his nice morning nap in the car with Brent supervising, while I went back to the Champagne Reception at the Law School. What a good husband! :)
Kali, Evan, Andrew & Lauren |
It was also so nice to see family. Oh, it's always fun times with the Kleins! Uncle Jeff was awesome with Brock too - he loved all the pictures on his phone and all the funny voices he made!
Law Grads on a bridge over the Spokane River |
After a fabulous brunch at Clover (which by the way, the french toast was very good... but just did not compare to Evan's Challah bread french toast), we all headed back to our respective hotel rooms for a little afternoon nap. Then we were back out on the town. Evan and some law school friends had rented out a wine bar for a wonderful get-together with socializing, drinking and appetizers. I think Brock ate all the grapes.
Brock was definitely out later than he usually is - we didn't leave there until almost 9:45pm! He was mesmerized by Great-Aunt Carol's awesome book reading too (poor guy was also a little tired I'm sure). Par for Brock, he really hung in there well!
Such a fun weekend with everyone! Congratulations again Law School Grads!! But we are going to be spoiled.... there are some awesome babysitters moving to Tacoma!! We will see you very soon Evan and Kali!!
And just one more picture of our drive home.... we were just about to cross the Columbia River. Beautiful!