The rain and more typical cooler weather has returned to Seattle. We did manage to get one nicer day in - and on a day with no school or other activity scheduled! What do we do? We head to the zoo! (Did not mean to sound like Dr. Suess....)
Brock said the hippos were his favorite thing at the zoo this trip - and this is what you could see of them (the tops of their heads). The picture is blurry, but they are there. |
We packed our lunch, headed out early and were there for the opening at 9:30am. It's about a 35 minute drive from our house - not too bad.
Two year old lions |
For some reason there were a LOT of people there that Friday, so we scurried away from the fray and headed up to the "Northwest Trail" - a section we skipped last time, so that worked out well.
This is an enclosed viewing area where on one side are Brown Bears and the other Otters. Kade liked that he was out of the stroller and could actually see something besides people!
Watching him watch the fish makes me think we really should go to the Seattle Aquarium soon - we actually have yet to go!
Brock pointed out the elk to me. Elk and rabbits living on the hillside together - he pointed out which one was which.
And we can't forget about the wolves! Every time we pass them, Brock informs me they look JUST LIKE Diesel. Yeah, but a
little different Brock.
This is also where in our trip, I made the mistake of showing Brock how he can stand on the stroller on the back and hold on to the handles (it's made for that on this stroller). He had fallen and scraped his knee and I told him he could hop on the stroller with Kade. Yeah.... the rest of our walking around the zoo was with Brock demanding to ride on the back of the stroller. I got my workout in!
Kade liked the penguins too. Didn't quite like sitting on that cold rock, but he liked watching them swim!
A quick stop to look at the tigers and then it was off to lunch!
We spent some time in the "Zoomasium" area - an indoor playground area - smaller area for Kade to crawl around and bigger one for Brock. It's always nice to let them run around a bit before seeing more animals.
Then we traversed to the Rainforest to see leopards and lemurs! See the Red Ruffed Lemur on the tree trunk? It's the red blob near Brock's elbow.
Last stop was the gorillas. Really just amazing to watch them. They really are so much like us.
Fun trip to the zoo! The boys were nice and tired out by the time we reached the car to come home! I call that a successful day!