Monday, October 23, 2017

Marbles Museum Visit

Brock ASKED to take a picture of him driving the boat like Daddy and holding the "Green Fish" (aka Mahi)
We've been to Marbles before when we'd come to visit, but this was our first time back as North Carolina residents. Hard to believe we never made it once during our very long summer!

They both are at such a great age to really get a lot out of the museum. It's a great place and lots of things to do, but I just can't see purchasing the Annual Pass ($100/family or $5 per person) yet.

Their water exhibit is a bit lacking, in my opinion. This is usually Brock's favorite wherever we go (hello Aquarian), but he was begging to go upstairs to the ball area.

I made him stand over here to get a picture of all the North Carolina Lighthouses. :)
Cape Lookout, Cape Hatteras, Orcacoke, & Bodie
While Brock was on a mission to fill the piggy bank with balls..... Kade was walking the stuffed animal dogs (and getting very angry when it wouldn't stay upright).

Silly Kade!

You're supposed to build a vehicle and then race it down the track..... OR you can just use someone else's creation they left in the pit and race those..... whichever is easiest. ;)

They both were very in to gluing the buttons on their artwork.

I think I have a picture of Brock at a very similar age in a very similar pose.

So close!

We waited until the big boys vacated the "ice" hockey rink before my boys stepped in.

Here's a video showing the more competitive side of Brock and OCD Kade getting very angry that he couldn't hoard ALL the hockey pucks. Oh brothers.

Time to move on..... this is the electric exhibit. Brock tackles the activity like a JOB - the kids move the disks from one section to the other using tubing to show how electricity moves from place to place. Another favorite area.

Moving that body, get all your sillies out!!

Working those muscles like Daddy!

All smiles!

And one more picture for something I am super excited about!! We scored a Super Nintendo Classic! Now I get to play Super Mario Brothers, Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country and introduce Brock to MY generation of games!

My new nephew Maddox Grayson!

Maddox Grayson Rosenfeld was born on August 23, 2017. Apparently it's a thing in our family to have shared birthdays!! He shares his birthday with Great-Uncle Bob and a 4 year old cousin in Connecticut! (But we know who's getting that calendar space now!)

We are so happy for Brian and Nancy.... and that we can now share all of our parenting joys and woes with you!

My mother was making the trek to Charlotte before me and opted for an easy ride on the train - Kade and I got to see her off at the train station!

That thing is loud when you're right next to it!

We got to FaceTime with Brian and Maddox when my mom arrived - time to switch to the iPhone Brian and Nancy!!

Finally on Saturday, I was released from my SAHM duties and headed to Charlotte to hold my nephew for the first time!

He's a keeper!!

Yup, nights with a newborn are rough! Love you Brian!! Glad I was able to help you guys out for one night routine!

And here's three more pictures of my boys because I think they are super cute! ;)

Brock was super proud of his creation!

Poor Kade is definitely getting his 2 year molars in!