After walking around for a bit to get my bearings, we headed to the Old Time area and stopped for some fresh apple cider. $3 a cup means we all share one cup Brock! The sun was in Kade's eyes (my Seattle babies). :(
We explored the rabbit exhibit and Brock pointed excitedly to this "Cow Rabbit". He even asked to take a picture with it!
And this is for my WA friends - that right there is tobacco! Yup, proud North Carolinians we are. ;)
Brotherly love - Kade was trying to get Brock to hold his hand.
While waiting in line for some french fries, I turned to find Starbucks and Chick-Fil-A were also in attendance!
The fries were really good hot, but as they cooled down, they were ehh. One plate for fries, one plate for our ketchup please!
After checking out the blue ribbon pumpkin, we headed over to check out the baby animals. One section of baby chicks under the heat lamp and behind the cardboard wall were eggs just hatching!
As promised, we headed to the kiddie ride section to find out most rides were 36" and up! Poor Kade was definitely under that measurement!! What to do, what to do.... and then we found just three rides that were 32" and up! Thank goodness! Brock would not ride without Kade so he went on all those rides as well. Hopefully next year Kade will be able to ride on the "big ones."
Video of them going around and around and around....
Look at that smile on Kade! They seem to both have that smirky smile.... I wonder where they got it from.....
Ride Two.... tractors.
Ride Three..... Jeeps!
Finish our morning with a lovely ice cream covered with sprinkles!!
It looked so tasty with all those rainbow sprinkles! ...... but as you can imagine....and as I knew would happen one of these days..... one of those ice cream cones found its way to the ground and we had one very unhappy little boy.
No picture was taken of the carnage, but Brock's ice cream met its demise on the grass, ice cream side down. I tried to recover the cone and slopped some of Kade's very large ice cream (that he had no business eating all of) to cover the damage, but unfortunately the mood was irreversible. That ended our very happy and busy day at the fair.
Thank you to Papa for purchasing our tickets - the boys loved seeing all the animals, exhibits and rides. And we really did have a great time up to the ice cream event. Perhaps next time we'll be able to stay a little longer!