Saturday, May 7, 2022

Easter 2022

We returned home from our big Spring Break trip the day before Good Friday. Plenty of time to prepare for Easter and dye our 2 dozen eggs. 

This year we opted for a tie dye egg kit. It involved a special egg dying contraption with water dropper. 

Easter morning baskets from the Easter Bunny!

With our special tie dye Easter eggs!

Brent took the boys to check on the boat, which gave Moose and me enough time to hide the 125 eggs!

The boys were ready to start hunting!

After a few minutes of hunting the eggs, they were done with the regular eggs.... they were both pretty much only searching for the golden egg. Next year I'm going to hide 5 "special" eggs in the back yard and call it good - that's what they cared about - not getting as many eggs as possible!

So so close Kade! Look up at the bird feeder!

Brent popped up after a few minutes to start searching too - we didn't want to run over any stragglers with the lawnmower!!

Soooo close to the golden egg!

Uh oh..... I think someone spotted it!

For how happy and excited this face was.... there was another little face that was the exact opposite. :( It's all friendly competition right? I ended up hiding the egg again for Kade to have a turn. There ya go - they both found the egg this year!

Anyway. Happy Easter to all! Bring on warmer weather and flowers and greenery!