Kade finally got a game in! This is his first year of 7-8 Coach pitch baseball and he said he more prefers being in the field than hitting.
He very much loves being in the shortstop and second base position.
For Kade's 7-8 league, after 8 or so pitches, the player gets to hit off the tee. The first few at bats he struggled a bit to get a hit. Of course the third time at bat, the one I did not video, he was able to hit the ball off the pitch!
We've had lots of group baseball time in the backyard too!
Another day, another baseball game!
Kade got a hit!! He's so fast!
He's so focused practicing his swing!
On Monday, May 15th the Met's (Brock's team) played a game versus the Padres. We had a nice friendly competition - their starting pitcher is a boy that swims with Brock. Brock vs. Chase pitcher exposition.
Unfortunately, his aim was not exactly on point when Chase was up to bat. Oops - poor Chase!
But he did well with the others!
Good pitching overall Brock! Compliment from Assistant Coach Brad "Best pitching you've ever done." That got Brock to smile!
Getting a little hitting coaching from Dad before his turn.
Chase's turn to pitch to Brock! Alas - he didn't hit him.