The Eason crew and Papa & Nana all traveled down to Huntersville the weekend before Christmas to celebrate the holidays. It was a packed house - with many different opinions on how to cook steak (see above picture of all the guys congregating around the filets!)
Nevertheless, it was an amazingly yummy meal paired with Nancy's famous mashed potatoes!
Kade and Maddox reading a mini Bluey book together - one of Kade's advent calendars.
A lovely group photo of everyone around Nana Phyllis and Papa right before we opened presents!
Maddox played Santa and handed out all the gifts to everyone.
The next day Asher was feeling a little more lovey with his Uncle Brent.
He even asked him for some cuddles on the couch!
Alas, it was time for Papa and Nana to head home - they had arrived one day earlier than us. Even though it was freezing that morning, the boys were outside playing an intense game of soccer and had to be corralled over to say their goodbyes!
I stayed warm with Asher inside doing finger painting.
The bigger cousins spent quality time together building forts, playing on Nintendo Switches, soccer outside then repeat all said activities!
After Sunday night dinner, I had the boys line up for a cousin picture! I think Asher was a bit apprehensive and stuck with his big brother.
And a funny one!
Brent and I treated the big kids to Baskin-Robbins for dessert. Poor Kade was promised Dairy Queen after completing his Black Belt testing, but we finished so late that night, Dairy Queen was already closed!!
This was our view of Asher and Riley as we exited the driveway!
Thank you so much Brian and Nancy for your wonderful hospitality while we were there and all the lovely gifts for our family - Papa and Nana too! The boys very much appreciate their cousin time - Kade even stated it was his favorite memory of 2024 on his New Year's Resolution sheet!