Monday, February 24, 2025

Oak Island 2025


We are definitely dog people. Sometimes we gauge our vacations on how much Moose has enjoyed it! If we do that, then this was definitely a good trip!! 

The Eason Family was fortunate once again to book a winter beach trip to Brian and Nancy's house in Oak Island! Second time coming here during the Run Oak Island Marathon too - Brock tried really hard to get me to sign him up - $50 for a medal?? 
Brent and Brock ran their own 5K after the marathon runners cleared out. I was so proud that they both completed it! (Moose and I walked and Kade did a half 5K)

Brock must have been exhausted from the walk because he never passes up an opportunity to go to the beach! Alas, only Kade and I took Moose to enjoy the sand. 

I think he loves to dig in the sand! 

Silly Moose - he was watching those seagulls - he REALLY wanted one! 

Or maybe he was just posing! 

I guess Kade forgot it was winter and told me he wanted to go wash off the cold sand in the water - and was surprised when the water was cold too! 

It was nice that it was low tide. Wish we could have let Moose off the leash, but there were other people around. 

We all got cleaned up and headed out to early dinner at our spot - Edgewater 122 in Southport. We forgot about the race being that weekend and tried making a reservation that afternoon and they were all booked! We snagged the last "walk-in" table! 

My white daiquiri was soooo yummy! And I love Kade peeking over in this picture too!

A winter vacation! 

After hearing the dessert choices, Brock and Kade both had to get their favorites. Kade was all about the  chocolate cake (and left the whipped cream for me!). 

Brock loves his cheesecake!

The next day a big storm had rolled in - that meant rainy day activities most of the morning - lots of foosball and I actually got to start (and finish) my Emily Henry book I received at Christmas! We could feel the house sway in the wind!

About 1pm the rain stopped enough for Brent, Moose and I to take a walk to the beach. Waves were a little bit different than the day before - 7-8 feet - and the wind was something else - crazy hair!

Goodbye house! Hope to visit you again soon! 

Here's a picture from right before our little President's Day getaway when Papa came to visit! We're going to keep taking pictures of them side by side because it will capture a pretty awesome journey of Brock's growth! 

And then here's a picture from two days AFTER our weekend getaway. The Raleigh area saw 3-4 inches of snow on Wednesday, February 19th! The kids were out on Monday for the holiday, went to school Tuesday, then were out the remainder of the week! Crazy North Carolina! 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Brock turns 12!


Brock's passion is playing computer games, specifically Roblox, these days. Brent and I decided to stop fighting it and embrace it, by purchasing Brock a full-out gaming computer. 

He may have known something like this was coming as we had him do the work on figuring out required specifications needed for said gaming computer. It definitely made him more invested. 

I still think he was absolutely thrilled! 

I love Moose looking at the camera at this one.  :) 

When Grandpa heard what we were thinking of getting him, he wanted to get him something he loved too and offered to pick out the monitor! An awesome 27" Samsung curved monitor was an amazing gift! 

After yummy cheeseburgers from Red Robin for dinner, we celebrated with vanilla & chocolate cupcakes! Thought the little decorations on top of the cupcakes looked like the squishmallows Brock loves. 

After an extended break from school - Martin Luther King Jr holiday/teacher workday plus TWO days of snow days and one two-hour delay day of school - Saturday was finally Brock's birthday party!! 
Three of his best buds got to hang out with him all day - Chick-fil-a lunch, then Dave & Busters Arcade plus just hanging around showing off his new computer playing video games. 

Time for more cake! 

Fun group of boys plus Kade! Maybe next time I'll try for the photo before the blue icing!

Happy Brock doing what he loves - look at that focus! He loves how the keyboard clicks-clicks. The tower is pretty cool all lit up too! (you can spot it right beside him on the floor)

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Snow in January!


On January 11th, the Piedmont area of North Carolina experienced a little bit of snow mixed with ice pellets. The boys were excited to wake up to see a little of the white stuff - emphasis on little!

Moose was probably the most excited! Lots of zoomies in the backyard. 

The boys wanted to check everything out still in their pajamas. At least Kade was wearing snow boots compared to Brock's crocs!

Kade found the icicles very entertaining. 

Tried out the gas fireplace and sure enough, it started up no problem. Took awhile for it to melt all the ice on top though. 

Back in the house to get warm and cozy. Also meant that Moose needed to steal a stuffed animal from Brock's room - check out the side eye keeping a watch on his trophy. 

A little more than a week later we really did get 2 inches of snow!! 

This time it was way too cold for us to venture outside very long - we all watched Moose explore it from the house. 

I take that back - Kade did venture outside in full snow gear to sled down our front yard and then down the hill to the pool. A few pictures from afar. 

With a high of 32 that day - we were done with the cold weather. Bring on Spring!!