Yes, we already know it's a boy, but I thought it would be fun to check these and see if they're accurate!
1. Be Still My Beating Heart - If over 140 beats per minute, a girl; If under 140 beats per minute, a boy.
Consistently between 120-130, so very correct, yes!
2. Sweet and Sour - Craving ice cream or sweets - this means it's a
girl. If you have to have salty or sour stuff, then it's a boy.
This is a toss-up. I like my sweets, but I also like my salty items. Tie.
3. Chinese Birth Chart - Find your age and month of conception on the chart and it will predict boy or girl.
Correct - Boy!
4. Spot On - If you're breaking out like crazy, it's a girl.
Sounds right - my face has been pretty blemish free lately.
5. Queasy Does It - Sick as a dog during your first trimester - then a girl. Little or no morning sickness - boy.
Correct for me, but I know a few other lovely ladies that had AWFUL morning sickness and had all boys!
6. All Hands - Soft hands point to a girl, dry hands mean you are having a boy.
Correct - dry hands here.... but I'm thinking it has more to do with washing my hands constantly and it being cold and rainy in Seattle!
7. High/Low - If you're carrying high, it means a girl; low, it means a boy.
Correct - very low and I'm very thankful because it's still hard for me to breath sitting down sometimes!!
8. Watch Out! - If you're stumbling or more clumsy than usual, expect a boy; if nothing has changed, expect a girl.
Incorrect - Nope, I'm pretty sure-footed!
Just a big belly! |
Well not bad - 6 correct, 1 incorrect and 1 tie. As my OB says, it's a very good thing to have a boring typical pregnancy!