While driving to work one day in November, I heard the local radio station, Star 101.5, was having a contest about listeners sharing their worst date night experiences. I remembered one from way back before I met Brent and decided to give it a chance to win a prize and emailed the station. I ended up getting called and sharing my fabulous story. In case you want to know....... it involves meeting a guy at Starbucks on a first date, but the same day he had already booked an out-patient surgery to remove a growth on his neck. He shows up at the date wearing a ratty sweatshirt and a huge gauze pad taped to the side of his neck. I stayed as long as it took me to drink my hot cocoa and that was the end of that! I guess the radio hosts liked that image!

As I'm sure you're piecing together, I had to wait until early December, but I was chosen as one of the lucky winners of the $150 gift certificate to John Howie Steaks in downtown Bellevue. We decided to use it this past weekend before the baby comes because I'm sure we won't be going to any nice dinners for awhile!
After our wonderful date night this past Saturday, the boys needed something a little special too. Here is a picture of them enjoying one of their Christmas treats - side by side like true brothers!!
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