We arrived just a few minutes after the doors opened, but there was already quite a line waiting to get in. Finally it was our turn! First you lock up your stroller with a numbered bike lock, then everyone was careful to stand on the mat to remove your shoes before entering - kids and parents. Place your shoes in the cubbies, with a numbered tag of course, place your bags in the numbered locker, pay the entrance fee and we were free to explore!
The first section we attempted was a ball room. Brock liked putting the balls in the holes along the wall, but didn't really enjoy walking in this monstrosity.
We ventured to the next room. Legos!!! Duplos!! How fun! He likes taking them apart now.
But wait?!? What is this room right next door? A room of trains and tracks and cars and trucks?!??
How awesome! Brock really loved this room. I was reminded he's still mostly a baby in this room - he wanted to "play" with the trains, but compared to the other 2 and 3 year old little boys there, he wasn't understanding how to keep the trains on the track and not pick them up. Give him another year and he'll be building the most intricate tracks and bridges for these trains!
Moving on, we discovered the kitchen/market/house section. Each room had toys specific to each type of play. It was awesome! Of course he found a play Dyson and went right for it! Just like Mommy's!
He picked up this bottle and tried to drink it because it has the real liquid! I told him it's for the baby doll and captured this picture just in time (and for Grandma). But to be honest, he quickly tired and moved on to the next room.
Magnets are fun!! He really liked this section too. He liked picking out specific magnets to put on the wall and seeing which would stick to each other!
Going to the bathroom was a unique experience and reminded me we were not in the US (as if my child being the only blonde in the entire place wasn't reminder enough). There are slippers laid out in various sizes at the doorway to the restroom since everyone is walking around barefooted (or with socks). No slippers? Simply wait your turn until someone is done with them and then slide into the ones they slip off. There's also a cool little seat for the babies to hang out in while mom does her business. My suggestion - move the toilet paper to the other side away from baby seat.
After lunch at the food court (hamburger patty, two prawns, white rice and cabbage - probably healthier than most food courts back home), we headed back to play more!
After lunch Brock had a little more courage to conquer the ball room - even went down the slide twice landing in all the blue balls! Then he ran over to the bouncy house and wanted to do that too! (He watched the big kids do it in the morning, but gave me a very adamant "no!" when I had asked him before.) He LOVED the jumping thing. He would jump twice or three times and either purposefully fall or by accident. He was such a goof in there! All smiles!
Then it was back to the magnet wall and playing with a few other toys in the back.
I would have loved to stay, (and get our money's worth) but this place is about an hour journey from our hotel and it was already 2pm! Brock napped a bit on the train and proceeded to crash upon arrival at the hotel, but was so tired he didn't want to get up for dinner! Tomorrow he's getting a proper nap!
Also want to say Happy Birthday to my Dad! We were thinking about you on Monday (even tho it was a little early for your birthday day.... it was confusing) ;)
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