We went for our 16 week ultrasound today. Since I am labeled a "higher-risk pregnancy", they want to check me at 16 weeks AND 20 weeks - so that is nice - we'll go back in four weeks and see baby again.
A 4D picture this early shows how skinny baby is! |
Baby looks great! Technically I am 16 weeks 6 days today and baby was measuring about 5-6 days ahead - so taking after Brock, going to be a little bigger baby. :) Everything looks great and the best news is that the placenta has moved! I was diagnosed with placenta previa at 13 weeks, but it has now moved to the back of my uterus so that is awesome!
A belly picture is not going to happen too often, but Brock's pose was too cute not to share!
Brock "smiling" :) |
Brock is also being super cute about baby brother. We ask him where baby is and it's about half and half whether he points to my actual belly or to my boobs. Oh well, he will get it eventually when my belly is the bigger part. ;)
We are starting to ask him how he's going to help Mommy feed/dress/change the baby, so it was the perfect opportunity to help feed the baby doll at school last week. What did he feed baby? Pizza, of course!
And yes, that is shaving cream in his hair - too much fun at preschool that day! |
Starting to feel a little more real how Brent and I are going to be parents of TWO in about 5 months!!
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