Monday, June 26, 2017

Jack Smith Splash Pad

We picked a great home location! We are 4 houses up from our neighborhood pool and less than 5 miles from the ONLY splash park in Cary/Apex! Kade ended up taking a morning nap that morning, so off we went after lunch - it was hot!

....and a bit crowded compared to the splash parks I'm used to in Washington - since there are quite a few to choose from, in addition to all the beaches bordering Lake Washington!

The park is really nicely thought out - just opened last summer - with two age-appropriate playgrounds, a climbing boulder, and shaded picnic tables!

Oh, the "younger" playground is shaded under a canopy too!!

I sat down on a bench to watch them play and realized Brock had made a few friends! I was just far enough away that I could barely hear their conversation - their ages, ages of their siblings, and what a favorite toy from home. Brock didn't seem shy at all, he was freely conversing with them and answering their questions - even telling them statements - "My brother's name is Kade and he's right there." Maybe it's because I've never seen his first interactions with only other peers before (and no adults present), but I was so proud of him!

Then back to the splash pad!

Brock even ran in to a friend from his Apex Community Center camps and they started playing too!

Can you tell Kade was excited??!? (He was probably excited I finally took off his sagging 2T bathing-suit!)

Finally, last picture of these GORGEOUS gladiola flowers that popped up beside our home! They are beautiful like this, but then when the entire stalk blooms, they just lay on the driveway they are so heavy! I have a lot of learning to do about plant care on our .54 acre home!

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