Oh my goodness, my baby is 2 (technically he's 2 years and 1 month as I currently write this... time, slow down!!). He is a wild one! Kade is always on the go and seems to really find new things to get his little hands in - super crafty! He is full of smiles almost all the time... unless he's not getting his way (either by big brother or blocks not fitting together like they should, then we ALL have to hear his shrill!). He's learning how to deal, it's all a process, yeah yeah.
Kade loves construction vehicles. His two favorite books are Goodnight Construction Site and 199 Things that Go. While riding in the car, he can point out any truck, boat, or construction vehicle within 200 feet! Just like big brother, he loves building things and can sit and play with Duplos all day. Kade counts to 12, but if asked how many of something he has, the answer is usually one. He knows more than half of his letters and can mostly sing his ABC's. I usually sing "You are my sunshine" at bedtime and he has started to sing along with me! Favorite movie is still Moana and asks to watch it daily! He's a total animal lover and randomly gives Diesel and Oscar hugs.
He is my little tough guy - 33 1/2" tall and 27 pounds. He wears 24/2T clothes and size 6.5 shoes. He's climbed out of the crib once and apparently forgotten how after that initial stunt!
A few days before Kade's birthday, Papa and Ms. Phyllis came over for dinner and to celebrate joint holidays - birthday and Father's Day. Yay for more sweets, birthday songs, and candles to blow out!
The sweetest thing was when my Dad helped put Kade to sleep that night....
He sang one of the same songs that he sung for me and my brothers. Kade, who doesn't like really anyone to hold him except me, squirmed for a bit sitting in the chair with Papa, but then settled down quickly when he started listening to the song. Tried to capture the moment, but they were sitting in the dark (and thus had to turn on the light)... not the same in a photo.
This is a usual sight of Kade these days.... he's like the Boss Baby.... always making demands!
We had a nice meal at home, then it was time to open presents!!
The following night we headed to my mother's house for a joint birthday with Aunt Nancy. Celebrated a bit early for her as her birthday is July 4th!
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Did you get it?? 2 candles on the left for Kade and then 2 and 8 candles on the right for Nancy turning 28! |
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Kade & Aunt Nancy, Happy Birthday to you!!
I spot a Riley tail! |
And we had more presents to open after that party! Oooooh construction wrapping paper!!
Kade loves his squirt toys!
Oh the things that you can do now that you are two.... one perk is being out of the toddler room at the gym. He gets to climb on the big jungle gym at Mega-Gym with Brock! I love this candid shot of Brock and Kade "listening" to the rules - brothers sitting together.
And he reads Oscar books! I spot three bulldozers! ;)
Two year old Kade gets to go hiking with Momma while big brother is at camp! West-coasters take note of how flat this terrain is - this is east-coast hiking!!
Run, run, run everywhere!!
Yup, he knows he's cute!
Final notes on Kade - he is a sweetheart when he wants to be. He'll run over to cuddle up in my lap and lean in my face to give me a sweet kiss. Then the next minute he can be throwing the magnets off the wall board just to see what will happen! He is two and he's learning about the world (and his boundaries). Brent and I are excited to hear him talking and learning new vocabulary. Brock loves this playmate that can truly almost keep up! We love you little Kade and your very big personality. We can't wait to see what this next year will bring!
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