Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Brock's Last Day of First Grade

The last few months of school were a little tough for Brock (as it were for all kids out there....) Changing to virtual learning was a huge transition for all of us. My little introvert thoroughly enjoyed working from home, most of the time - especially his math problems or any educational websites.  The reading and comprehension of new topics were a little bit more difficult.

Every night I created a schedule for him to follow during his day. I found that his regular schoolwork was at times not challenging enough (math), nor simply not full enough to last the day, so this gave him a little bit more to do until I found time to work with him. 
Brent and I fully understood this was busy work for him. But, it was better than him watching television for the entire afternoon by himself!

Brock's teacher held a google meetup every morning with the class. She gave them different topics (show and share, bring a joke, etc) and allowed every child who attended a chance to speak.

The school/First Grade team put out some amazing virtual learning daily lessons and week-long activities. Brock's favorite was "Create a zoo map."

We even recorded a video of him explaining his map to his teacher!

 He had daily journals to do for me. Some were so typical Brock.

Mixed in with whatever "freebie" printables I could find on Teachers Pay Teachers. (You can only do so much typing on a computer - especially at 7 years old!)

Another fun activity - Brock's water habitat.

The week before school officially ended, Brock and I drove over to the school for their "drive-thru" end of year pick up. It was so bittersweet. The same carpool lane we used to drop Brock off the last two years, ended in a quick quarantine brown paper bag pick up of all of his folders, papers, and end-of-year treats from his teachers.

But we made it through. Brock completed First Grade! 

Look how much he's grown just from the start of the year!

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