Sunday, August 18, 2024

Hawaii - Part III


We were up EARLY (45 minute drive and a 6:30am check-in) on Tuesday to catch the boat from the Ka'anapali Beach! On the plus side, Brent was able to find a Starbucks on the way! 

We boarded Trilogy III for the Discover Lanai excursion with Sail Trilogy. This was one of our most favorite activities from 13 years ago and could not wait for Brock and Kade to have the same experience! Just a short time after pushing off from the sand (direct board from the beach!), we were treated with cinnamon rolls and fruit. 

It took about one hour to trek over to the island of Lanai. 

When we arrived at Manale Small Boat Harbor, we had a bit of a walk over to the beach. After receiving safety instructions and advising us of all the cool things we could do at Hulopo'e Marine Preserve, the crew fitted us all for snorkel gear.

It took a bit for Brock and Kade to figure out how to correctly breathe (and not smile opening your mouth) in the snorkel - it was a bit different than Brock's pool snorkel - but they prevailed and did really well!

Brent and Brock ended up staying out a bit longer than us - Kade started shivering a bit and his lips were turning blue - figured it was a good time to warm up on the sand! 

Convinced Kade to walk a bit with me to check out the tide pools, but it was a little too much high tide for us! We admired from the steps. 

The island of Lanai used to be an island-wide Pineapple Plantation - now it is 98% owned by Oracle Corporation cofounder Larry Ellison. One (out of two) of the resort hotels (both of which he owns) is seen to the left of the picture below - Four Seasons ($$$$$). 

It was time to head back to the Harbor anyway for lunch! Brock and Kade played a few rounds of cornhole during the salad course, but then came running for barbecue wood-grilled chicken, stir fry soba-noodles, corn-on-the-cob and rolls! Brent and I both liked this excursion better where you sit at a table and eat versus trying to balance your whole plate on a rocking boat! 

Back on the boat and Brock already changed into his newly-purchased Trilogy wear! 

A pretty view of Sweetheart Rock / Pu'u Pehe. 
According to legend told to us by the Captain, a man named Makakehau from Lanai met a beautiful girl from Lahaina named Pehe. He was so in love and enamored by her, he brought her back here and hid her in one of the sea caves. One day while the man was out, a storm rolled in, swept Pehe out to sea, and she drowned. The man was so devastated, he called on the gods to allow him to climb the 80 foot rock where he buried her. Then he leapt from the rock into the ocean and turned into a shark to guard her grave. 

A little stock photo of the beach we swam to the left, the tide pools and Pu'u Pehe to the right. 

It was a bit rough on the way back to Maui - Kade attempted to brave it with the other kids on the front mesh part of the catamaran, but some of the waves made us drop hard and they were getting soaked from the spray! He found a little more comfort sitting on the long bench by the captain. 

It put him in a good spot for when the Captain wanted someone to help him drive the boat for a bit! Kade got called up for the task! (I think Brent liked the view of the controls too!)

Closed the excursion with a little ice cream before we arrived back at the beach to de-board!

We got to see the side of the island that we didn't on the way there because it was so dark! What a view! 

Took it easy the rest of the afternoon and ordered some mexican to bring up to eat on the rooftop of our condo building. The view was much better than the food. 

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