Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Kade Begins his Taekwondo Journey

Kade was so excited to start Ninja class (we've corrected to calling it by its proper name, Taekwondo Class). He received the uniform when we signed up, but he did not receive his first belt until completion of the first class. 

Kade is a Tiger! (The name of his group)

We took a tour when no classes were going on and I felt pretty good about the extra safety measures. Temperature checks at the door, everyone wears a mask at all times, blocked off squares for every child - and no parents allowed while classes are going on. They provide Zoom links for us to watch from the safety and comfort of our vehicles!

These pictures are from one of the instructors from Kade's first day!

Kade receiving his first belt!!

He is just eating this all up! He is soooo focused! This child - his hand is raised every single time to answer every question - that is ALL Brent's side!

 Pictures we take of him through Zoom are just not as good....

A little movie from his in-person class.... taken from the Zoom call. 

The studio was all set up for Picture Day and Graduation, so they moved all Live classes to Zoom classes from home for one week. Kade was not thrilled about it, but we made do for one week. 

But it makes for some pretty awesome pictures!

And a home movie....

One more class at home and one more picture.... you can tell we made his bed before this class! 

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