Sunday, September 22, 2024

Black Belt Spectacular - Second Midterm

Friday, August 30th, Kade attended his first Black Belt Spectacular as a Red/Black belt, testing for his second Midterm. This was a big deal - usually all his belt advancements has happened in the comfort of his dojang (training studio). 

For Kade to obtain his Black Belt, he has to score at least a 6 (out of 10) on two midterms before he can even test for his Black Belt. This was Kade's second Midterm. All of the instructors are grading the group behind the tables - could be a little intimidating for some!

First evaluation was on Kade's form (Kade and a whole group of other kids). I was very impressed - he took his time and really focused on his kicks and punches. 

Then Kade dressed in his sparring gear and showed off what he knew on his sparring techniques! 

I think he did pretty well - he was a little more hesitant on the first matchup, but seemed to build a little confidence on the second. 

Last event was his board breaking. Alas, no pictures as I was seated a bit far from his line. He had to punch - breaking the board in at least three and then kick - again breaking the board in at least three. If he breaks on the first attempt, he gets 3 points, second attempt = 2 points, third attempt = 1 point. Unfortunately he was not able to break the board with his punch in three attempts and only broke the board on his third attempted kick. We knew that wasn't great - only gave Kade 1 point. 

For Kade to pass, he had to score at least a 3+2 in forms/sparring! We did not find out until a week and a half later!! Kade received his score at one of his classes - officially 3 in forms, 2 in sparring, 1 in board breaking to pass his final midterm!! Yay! The test will be slightly harder - he will have to score a 7 to pass. If all goes well, he could have his Black Belt by Christmas!!

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