Monday, September 2, 2024

New School Year - 6th & 4th!


Big changes this year - Brock enters Middle School at one of the Magnet Middle Schools downtown Raleigh. We signed up for bus transportation hoping it would pick him up at a decent time - nope - bus schedule had him slated for a 5:20AM pickup! That was NOT happening for a school that starts at 7:35!

We are now carpooling with another neighbor, but that is still an early start leaving the house at 6:45am! Hence why our "first day of school" pictures include the porch light! 

The Middle School offered an opportunity to "Walk Your Schedule" before school starts so the kids could see where and how to get from class to class (there's only a 3 minute break between classes) - I think that was very helpful as he found several buddies who are in some classes with him! 

Kade has some changes too! He has fully committed to wearing his glasses in his Fourth Grade class! He looks like a little professor! On the third day of school was the first day of his SSA Math - where he travels up to the 5th grade hall and takes his math with the grade above. Lucky kid has the same teacher Brock had last year - and its her last year of teaching (after 30 years)! So glad that worked out because she's an amazing teacher! ;) 

Excited to see what this year brings for both our boys! 

Kade 9, Moose 6.5, Brock 11

Silly boys!

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