Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Kade's Early Birthday Sports-themed Party


Kade's birthday is always a bit tricky as it comes after school has ended for the year - he never seems to get a big party with all his friends. This year we decided to plan early and scheduled a sports-themed party on June 1st (it's at least in the month of his birth!) 

Kade made his invitation list - all boys - and brought all the invitations to school to pass out. Most of his friends were in his class, but a few in other 3rd grade classes that he's kept over the years. 

Kade could have picked 3 sports or activities to play during his birthday party - basketball, soccer, handball, kickball, lacrosse, dodgeball, relay races, etc.... he wanted only soccer and dodgeball! I guess those are his favorites when he attends SportHQ during summer camps. 

The boys took turns in goal. Brock didn't see much action during his time. 

You could tell which boys have more soccer experience. I think it was harder to play inside - maybe easier in the summer as there's a bit more air conditioning. 
Alas, the ball seemed to go out of bounds more so indoors. 

And harder to complete corner kicks - can't do any running starts!

Look at that fancy footwork!

Kade is quick! He was always whizzing by right there in the front to get the ball!

After 45 minutes of indoor soccer and a water break, the boys were quickly ready to choose teams for dodgeball. 

Kade just couldn't bring himself to select Brock - a decision I think he later regretted! 

Several times, Brock would be the last man standing on his team! His arm is just too powerful.... had to remind him he should be throwing 60% against the third graders!

The boys on the side waiting for a catch or someone to yell "jailbreak"!

New game - everyone run to get the balls in the center!!

All the kiddos played so hard, they surely earned this load of sugar! Vanilla and chocolate cupcakes with blue, cyan and green frosting! 

Brent explained we were saving the candle for his actual birthday, later in the month, and delegated the start of the singing to one of Kade's friends. Papa and Nana Phyllis make a cameo appearance in the video above too!

Happy Birthday Kade! But I think we'll be saying that again to you! 

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