Monday, June 10, 2024

Kade's Spring Soccer Season

This soccer season was the first season to play at Apex's new Pleasant Park! It's a huge park with 6 soccer fields and two playgrounds! The baseball fields are to follow next year, but the ground is cleared, ready for them! 

As Kade is now in the 9-10 league (super strange considering he does not actually turn 9 until after the season is done), he had to attend an evaluation the week before soccer started so the coaches could even out the teams. 

First game for the Badgers was Saturday, April 6th! We love Kade's red soccer socks - makes it easy to spot him from across the field!

Kade was very content as one of the defender positions. He likes to do that one kick-save to get it out of the goal. He requested defender almost every time from the coach - I'm sure that made it easier for him - everyone wants to be a forward!

The boys play lots of soccer at home! And they are very competitive!

Back to Pleasant Park - and Kade at defender for another game.

Got a little video of all the running the kids do - and side/corner kicks!

Kade keeping an eye on the ball! He works harder in practices than he does during the games!

Brent cheering him on! 

We finished our season 6-1-1 with our final game scheduled Saturday, June 8th against the Thunder on the west division! It was a tough game because it was HOT! 

Unfortunately the other team scored a few times on the Badgers and they just couldn't keep up. 

Alas, their last game was their worst loss - 1-6. Oh well. Kade will enjoy a bit of a break and then be back at it mid-August for the Fall season!

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