Monday, June 24, 2024

Kade's Jedi Camp & Birthday Weekend

The first full week of Summer is Kade's very favorite taekwondo camp - Jedi Camp! This is his FOURTH year at this camp - making him a Junior Jedi Knight 2nd Class! 

Kade has an amazing memory - most likely still remembering most of the form from last year, and so was asked to lead the long form for third years and up! 

Next up, he volunteered to show off his sparring skills! 

On Saturday, Kade attended his first mid-term as a Red/Black belt. Things are a bit different now that he's a "Black Belt Candidate". He has to pass two midterms before he can attempt to test for his Black Belt - held only three times a year. He has to score a 6 or higher on his midterm to pass and then a 7 or higher in his black belt test to pass. 

He had been practicing pretty hard to make his form CRISP. As he is one of the newest Red/Black belts, he had only learned half the form - students are able to test for midterms with only half form, but will need the full form by final testing. 

As a Red/Black belt, he has to break a board with a punch AND kick. This was his very last time working with a full orange board - as a nine year old, he'll have to break an orange/green board. 

He did a great job! At the end of graduations, the Red/Black belts received their score and Kade earned a NINE!! He did amazing!! He was very excited and will be practicing for his 2nd midterm due in August!

Sunday, June 23rd Kade celebrated his NINTH Birthday!! 

Kade collected quite a few birthday cards and gifts from Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles - he's so very well-loved! He also received a very special gift from us - a GIZMO watch. He told us later that day that he was really happy because he loved his birthday present! 

My happy guys!

Kade asked to go to Dave & Buster's for some fun time. Wasn't too crowded - nice to stop in for a little arcade play. 

The boys were kind enough to let us borrow a few chips for games too!

Wrapped up a nice birthday with Red Robin for dinner and Pepperridge Farm chocolate layer cake! 

Kade, we are so proud of the progress you've made in your growth this year. It is a hard thing to control our emotions, but you are leaps and bounds further along than where you started! We are working on the physical growth too and we are equally proud of you for your confident can-do attitude! You are such a positive, happy person and say the most intelligent and/or hilarious things ever. I genuinely love being around you. Happy last single-digit birthday Kade - I cannot wait to see what you bring to us this year! 

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