Sunday, June 23, 2019

Our Husky, Diesel

Diesel was an amazing dog. My brother found him in an animal shelter in Charlotte, North Carolina - to think he was being passed by for almost a month is incredible. Vet put him at about a year old. Brent said he must have escaped from a REALLY good home because he had amazing breeding. Super sized - 25.5" to the shoulders, 90 pounds. His coloring was the prettiest I'd ever seen - housebroken from the start and amazing teeth! Ha! He was also soooo good-natured. Just one sweet pup.

After realizing having a LARGE dog in a fraternity house was a little too much for my brother to handle, he found a new life with me in Apex. (My brother will tell the story that I stole Diesel from him, but I think he knew deep down this was better for husky!) ;)

I think Diesel liked his life with me in my townhouse. He had a perfect view out the front window watching all the cars coming and going - and a little hill outside to perch on when it snowed. 

He even took a trip up to CT to visit relatives, stopping in Philadelphia to visit the Liberty Bell. (Also after my mother recommended we shave him for the summer!)

And then I went on a date with Brent and he had two dogs. We mentioned on our wedding website (and it was true!) - our relationship would only work if our dogs got along, and they definitely did! Diesel found his place as Oscar's big brother - teaching him how a dog should act (since he was incorrectly shown by some Chihuahua's!) :)

Brent's old SeaFox

 Diesel got along with Gizmo too.... but that was such a brief time unfortunately.

And then we moved to Washington! Diesel flew coach - laying under my feet the whole way as an emotional support dog! Hey - I was getting married and I was moving 2800 miles away! I needed my husky!
University of Washington's Campus
Which is about the time Diesel discovered he liked being a family dog more than listening to the "call of the wild" and finally could be trusted off the leash.

And then Brock came along and he was so protective - as protective as a husky could be! He would cry whenever Brock would cry - "Come get that baby!!" He loved Brock and was so patient with him.

He would get his walks, but not as much as he used to.... until Brent decided to take on the Renton K9 Candy Cane 5K - which Diesel completed twice before his retirement from running. His last race was simply epic. He stopped short about 20 feet from the finish line. Brent told him they are finishing together, so he ended up picking up 85 pound husky to complete the race!

And then we became a family of four! And he was even more patient and loving!

Winter 2017, our family decided to return to North Carolina and Brent traveled those 2800 miles back in his Toyota Tundra with Oscar and Diesel laid out in the backseat. They were so excited for that .54 acres of yard to play in when we arrived here!
He did NOT travel like that home! ;) 

Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to Oscar in December 2017 and our house was quiet. Diesel was a great dog, but a little too easy going. We were missing a guard dog (Diesel will only alert you of socks on the stairs that shouldn't be there), so along came Moose!

Eh, they got along for the most part. Hahaha. Moose LOVED his big brother and wanted to play with him every second of the day. If only Diesel was a few years younger, he'd be right there too..... but Diesel turned in to an old man that growled at Moose every time he did something wrong. Silly husky. I guess he was just trying to discipline him too.

Here's a snippet from a nightly interaction of the two - Moose: "Please play with me, please, please, please, puh-leease!!!"   Diesel: "No. No. No. No. No."

He secretly loved his Moose too.

We've noticed he's slowed down quite a bit. This last year it was harder for him to go up/down even the three steps from our screened porch. He was officially diagnosed with degenerative bone disease in his hips and back, which would only be a matter of time before he was left paralyzed. We tried to make your last bit of time with us as comfortable as possible. 

Oh Diesel, how you will be missed. 

You were my first dog - I asked my parents for a dog all the time growing up, wishing and daydreaming what it would be like to have one all my own. I was truly blessed and honored that you were that dog. There will be dogs after you - I hope they know how high you set the bar. I love you and miss you dearly husky. Rest in peace Diesel, no more pain. 

August 26, 2007 ~ May 7, 2019

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