Monday, February 16, 2015

Kelsey Creek Farm

A little hike from the parking lot to see the horses
On President's Day, Brock and I headed out to Kelsey Creek Farm in Bellevue. Another beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest - high of 62 degrees today while all my family on the east coast is freezing and getting buried in snow or freezing rain. We'll take it!
Kelsey Creek Farm is owned by the City of Bellevue and open every day free for children to walk around and explore - also on the property is a beautiful park and playground. The farm dates back to the 1930's.
How now brown cow?
Brock loved all the animals and the farm was the perfect size for him to walk around and see everything. He especially loved seeing where all the animals slept at night (aka the various barns).
Brock LOVED the chickens and roosters. Too bad we're having breaded chicken tonight.... hope it's not ruined for him. ;) Another mom was asking her child "what does the rooster say?" and Brock twirled around and said "Cock-a-doo!" He was so proud he knew the answer!

He liked looking at the rabbits too.

There was a really cool log cabin on the property too - built in 1888.

We reached the end of the farm's property when we came to the sheep. I tried to get a good shot of all the cool buildings.
Then we headed down the hill, across the bridge, to the playground. Crazy, but we saw quite a few kids in shorts and t-shirts!!

We had a really good morning and it is always nice to explore some place a little different. I love that the farm is really close (less than 15 minutes from our home), so we may be back!

Sorry Brock, no elephants though. (When we pulled up in the parking lot and I named a few animals we were going to see, he said "elephants too!")

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