Monday, July 8, 2019

Nags Head Eason Family Trip - Part I

The Nashville crew made it to Apex in record time on Friday! The following day we all got on the road for the 3 1/2 hour drive to the Outer Banks! Three vehicles (and one boat) made the trek!

We had some time to spare as check-in wasn't until 4pm - good thing we knew exactly where the awesome playground was from last year! Moose was great - standing there at the park with all those distractions and just watching!

The first evening was getting everything settled and enjoying the view from all of the house's balconies!

Moose enjoyed watching all the other dogs!

With no blackout curtains, the boys were up bright and early at 5:45AM at the beach (first world problems). (Reagan and I fixed that problem with a late night trip to Walmart for some pushpins and a floor fan)

Brent and I packed five full-size coolers and two plastic totes filled with food and supplies, but we still needed to make a grocery run for other items. Look at al those floats at the HT!?!!!

FINALLY - what we came here for!! The best part of the house - the beach was right across the street.

The first day at the beach was the best because the waves were not ridiculously high.... as they became later in the week.  

I love the juxtaposition of this picture - the teenagers doing the instagram-thing and the preschooler just making marks in the sand. :)

My little fish.

I think he could swim in the water all day every day, if we let him.

My favorite thing about the beach trip was watching the cousins genuinely have fun together.

Playing battleship..... the 6 year old may have beaten the 16 year old. (THERE'S NO SKILL TO BATTLESHIP THOUGH!) ;)

Meanwhile on that first day..... Brent and Tom were out fishing - only 8 miles out because it had a bit more chop than they first thought. They returned with two King Mackerels!!

The following day, our fearless Captain took the "kids" out on the intracoastal waterway for some boating and lunch.

Gorgeous, sandy islands that I so wanted to stop at.... Brent advised they are protected islands and illegal to visit.

After the two littles went off to bed that evening, we took Moose on a beach walk.

We were treated to a gorgeous moon-rise!

AND a lightning/thunder show in the distance!

The best show that night was yet to come!! As the darkness settled, the crabs came out and Moose went in to hunter mode!!

We couldn't believe how many crabs were out there!! It makes you think twice about what's under you when you put your blanket down at the beach!

One tired-out pup!!

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